Thursday, April 18, 2013

Building the nest

It's been a long winter. Spring has taken its time in getting here (which is good is many ways) but we are ready for warm weather and days outside planting tomatos, beans, eggplant, squash, and all the other goodies that make cooking and eating enjoyable. I can't wait for the asparagus to shoot out of the ground, and of course, to hunt for morels and ramps in the woods. With all this rain, things are sure to start popping.

We are nearly ready for our new culinary adventure and will be posting more details about our plans once everything is finalized. Stay tuned. May will be a frantic and magical month!

In the meantime ... a pair of robins decided to build their nest in the Porcelain vine that has woven itself though the beams over our patio. We can sit at the dining room table and watch them take turns tucking in pieces of grass, leaves, and sticks. Ella added the crocus to say, "welcome, fat robins and spring."